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Lorem Ipsum
Test 123

Sunny Hunny Saturdays
Hunstanton, with its Pitch-n-Putt and its Carnival and its pound shops and its ravenous flocks of tourist-devouring seagulls, sits on the...

In the beginning...
Recognise this field? Here are a few clues: delete the poplar trees, add a marquee on the right, scatter the far end with colourful tents...

Your handy guide to SHARP Season 23
We love our new website, but thought you might like to see a quick summary of what's on the SHARP menu for 2018. Read on and bookmark...

Welcome! (again)
Welcome once again to the new blog! We're really excited by our new fresh look which is all part of a new fresh SHARP! You will find the...

Your handy guide to SHARP Season 23
We love our new website, but thought you might like to see a quick summary of what's on the SHARP menu for 2018. Read on and bookmark...

Welcome! (again)
Welcome once again to the new blog! We're really excited by our new fresh look which is all part of a new fresh SHARP! You will find the...

Sedgeford village history research project
Some fifteen years ago SHARP invited villagers to dig test pits in their gardens to collect any pottery or other artefacts that were...
Welcome to our new blog...
In addition to giving our main website a makeover, we have also changed the look of our blog. Our blog is where you will find the latest...
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