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What is it? -8
Today’s mystery artefact may have you thinking so here are a couple of clues to help you along. It pre-dates our Anglo-Saxon settlement...

What is it? 7 - answers
If you thought the artefact above looked like animal bone, you are quite right. But this is no ordinary bone knife handle. The terminal...

What is it? 7
Today's mystery item is clearly only part of the artefact. So: What is it a part of? What is it made from? How old is it? As usual come...

What is it? 6 - answers
Yesterday's mystery artefact is in fact a hooked tag, used to fasten clothing. We still use similar objects today. This beautiful example...

What is it? 6
Hopefully not too difficult today. What do you think this little item is? It is complete and that is a turned back hook at the bottom....

What is it? 5 - answers
This fragile item was discovered in 4 pieces in Trench 6 at the beginning of the season in 2008. It is made from fired clay and is almost...

What is it? 5
Here is your next mystery artefact. Clearly incomplete now but imagine it whole and try to answer the following: What were such artefacts...

What is it? 4 - Answer
This item is one of many that the SHARP team have excavated over the years. It is known as a heckle tooth or fibre processing spike. This...

What is it? 4
Here we have another mystery artefact for you to identify with a couple of questions: What is this artefact known as? What is it made...

What is it? 3 - answer
Well, if you thought yesterday’s mystery artefact was part of a comb you are correct! It is a plate with 7 cut teeth and it is made from...
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