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On this day...12th August
Well, this date is perhaps the most memorable one in the history of the project so please excuse today's memories being a bit longer. Let...

On this day...11th August
By pure coincidence today is going to be a ‘pin’ day. Starting with two finds made on the same day by the same person. S. Mansell found...

On this day...10th August
It is quite usual for animal bone to form a huge proportion of our bulk finds each season but what surprised us in 2011 was the discovery...

On this day...9th August
On this day in 2010 this slightly bent but complete pair of copper-alloy tweezers were found in Trench 12. Unlike the tweezers featured...

On this day...8th August
As the season's end approaches, life on trench is often a flurry of activity with everyone trying to finish their section. This wonderful...

On this day...7th August
Let’s begin with a brilliant photo from the Boneyard excavations of 1999. Gareth and company are obviously discussing something...

On this day...6th August
Back in time 21 years to 1999 and a group of volunteers take a well-earned rest and learn about on-site photography. Are you in this...

On this day...5th August
Let's start today with a flashback to the good old enviro days of 2003. Always a task more popular on a hot day. 😊 Who do we have in...

On this day...4th August
We know that today is not the 4th August but some technical issues have meant that we have not been able to post for a while. Normal...

On this day...3rd August
Today we are going to take the opportunity to celebrate bulk finds! Beginning with this wheelbarrow load of daub (left), photographed in...
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