Contact Us
General Enquiries
If you have a general enquiry about SHARP, a course or excavation booking, or you wish to contact a specific member of the team or committee, please complete the form below:
Contact Phone Number (during the excavation season only) - TBC
This number is not actively monitored out of season. During the season, so from the first Saturday of week 1 to the Saturday of the final week, we activate the site phone. This number is primarily monitored on our arrival days, i.e. if you are lost or need to update us on progress (if likely to arrive after 6pm). It is also the phone to contact if travelling by public transport.
It can be used to contact us in emergencies, although it would be sensible to also write to the bookings email address as this is checked regularly during the season.
Please do not use this number to contact us out of season or for general enquiries. If you have a question or query about SHARP or booking with us, please contact us by email.
Excavation site address
SHARP Boneyard Field (off Snettisham Road)
(Please note the site is on private land and is not open to the general public outside the six-week summer excavation season)