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Donations and Fundraising

The Sedgeford Historical and Archaeological Research Project is largely independently funded, with the majority of our income coming from the volunteers that choose to dig with us each year. These volunteers pay for much of the campsite and excavation site facilities, equipment hired, and food. However the remaining costs, particularly those related to post-excavation work and our bursaries such as the John Hensby Fund, come solely from fundraising and kind donations from the general public. One example of this is the Friends of SHARP, whose donation supports SHARP and they recieve some benefits such as free admission to our Tuesday evening lectures, a special tour, and free parking at our festival.


In recent years we have also had to apply for more grant funding, largely due to the price increases of the current cost-of-living crisis, but also to allow us to carry out larger post-excavation projects. In the longer term we are aiming to become sustainable and less reliant on external funding, which will also help keep our prices down. 

Donate to SHARP

There are several ways you can donate to SHARP. Our preferred method is via either a bank transfer or cheque, as with these methods we get to keep all the donation money.


Cheques should be made payable to the 'Sedgeford Historical and Archaeological Research Project'  and sent to our treasurer at:

Sam Atkins C/O SHARP

52 Manville Road


West Yorkshire

BD22 6AT


Bank transfers should be made to the following account. If possible, please indicate your surname and add DON so we can identify it easily as a donation.


Bank: Barclays Bank Plc.

Account Name: Sedgeford Historical and Archaeological Research Project

Sort code: 20-46-65

Account No: 90858196


For international payments you may also need the following information.

IBAN No: GB96 BARC 2046 6590 8581 96


Charity Address:

Terry Baxter C/O SHARP

24 Nightingale Walk


Downham Market

PE38 0DS


Alternatively you can donate via PayPal, but we do lose a small proportion of the donation through PayPal fees when you donate in this way.

Donate with PayPal

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer one thing you can do to help is providing us with a gift aid declaration. This will boost any donation you make to SHARP by 25p for every £1 you donate.

Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity on your behalf from the tax you pay for the current tax year, at no extra cost to yourself.


Our intention is to put most of the money received through Gift Aid into the John Hensby Fund, so that we can provide even more bursaries each year.


We have two ways for you to fill in a Gift Aid declaration. The first is by filling in the relevant form below, then sending it by post using the address provided or by emailing it to


Form for a single donation - here

Form for multiple donations - here


Alternatively, we have an online declaration form that can be filled in here


Powering the Past


In 2021 SHARP carried out a fundraising campaign to raise money towards putting in a power cable to the site. We were extremely grateful to those that donated, however the amount raised was not enough to carry out the work.


Instead we were told of a project to build a solar panel farm locally, and it was hoped the money would go towards plugging SHARP into this. It is now looking unlikely that project will happen, so SHARP will instead put the money raised towards our sustainability project and our own solar array in the next couple of years.


As part of the project there were several rewards, including an exclusive t-shirt designed by Adrian and a plaque for the information hut. Names of donors will be included in the 2020 conference proceedings.

Recent Grants & Donations

We are grateful to everyone who donates, no matter the size of the donation. However, we would like to draw notice and give thanks to a few of the larger grants and donations we have received over the years, and the projects they have helped fund.


Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society (2023) have provided us with a grant that will provide materials to help us catalogue and preserve our archives, as well as provide training for team and volunteers attending SHARP.


Headley Trust (2023) Provided funding towards the costs of providing for our younger team members.


Community Foundation (2023) Provided funding toward the costs of the Solar array that we were hiring.


Community Foundation (2022) Provided funding towards the general cost of the season.


National Heritage Lottery Fund (2021) A small grant was provided to develop and trial a SHARP digital platform to provide information and new courses to a wider range of people, including both current SHARPies but also potentially further afield, or those still concerned about Covid.


National Archives Grant (2021) A grant was provided to assist SHARP with the digitisation and archiving of photographs from team, volunteers and visitors to the site over the years.


National Heritage Lottery Fund (2019) A large grant was given to allow the Human Remains team to research the disarticulated human remains from Boneyard. The funding also helped SHARP subsidise our courses on human remains, and provide more volunteering opportunities.


North West Norfolk History Society (2019) provided SHARP with funding, this was initially to support our proposed 25th Anniversary celebrations (conference and exhibition) but this was swiftly cancelled due to Covid. Instead, we held an online conference in the autumn of 2020, and the remaining funding was redirected with permission towards the publication from this event which is due to be published in 2024.

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If you wish to assist us by making a donation towards our research click the button below

Donate with PayPal


Registered Charity Number 1064553


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