Easter 2018

Trench 23 is ready for the summer
As a precursor to the summer season a few of us usually arrive in Sedgeford in March/April to fieldwalk. Notwithstanding as there is a backlog of finds from previous fieldwalking it has been decided to devote the time to analysing and cataloguing these items. Although good progress has been made there will still be some work to do in order for us to completely catch up.
On Monday, due to favourable weather, some of us had a walk around the village with Dr. John giving us a running commentary on the medieval history of the area. We visited the church and were fascinated with the medieval graffiti etched into the stonework. comprising of concentric circles,
a person with what looks like an arrow in his eye, various star shapes and of course initials with the date. Matt Champion will be giving a lecture on this very subject on Tuesday 11th July in the church.
This is a subject we intend to continue to study in the summer as part of our 'Unlocking Sedgeford's Medieval Past' project.

Sample of graffiti found in church
David Wood and Melinda Barham together with Yvonne has been busy with the magnotometer on Chalkpit field in between rain showers but we are pleased to report that good progress has been made.
Further information to follow.