Ready, steady, go...
Season 23 is almost upon us!
It is hard to believe, but in six weeks SHARP team members will start arriving on site to transform a quiet Norfolk field into a busy hub of cutting-edge public archaeology.
Set-up week follows a well-honed timetable of activities, including unpacking and pitching the Marquee, pulling out and checking tools, cleaning and re-commissioning the kitchen and taking delivery of portacabins.

Over the course of the week, supervisory team members drift in and pitch their tents, taking first dibs of the flat patches at the very bottom or the very top of the field (which is why volunteers usually have to make do with the sloping bits - sorry).

And as everything is unpacked and put into place, slowly but surely the campsite takes on its familiar appearance as everyone lends a hand to set up the site as well as prepare their own areas of responsibility.

It's not all physical work. For the first time in 2017 the team came together on the Friday before the season for a day of induction training in areas like teaching skills, leadership and team psychology. Not to mention a few trust-developing team-building exercises.

And there are meetings. Group meetings, planning meetings, and discussions between individuals, to be sure that we are all ready to roll on the first Sunday morning.

A lot of work happens in the week before the season kicks off. But more than anything SHARP team members are friends, so just getting the band back together and re-bonding as a group makes set-up week a very special time for us all.

Spaces for the 2018 season are filling up fast! So if you are planning to join us on Boneyard this year, get your booking in soon to ensure you get the week and the course you want.
Details for volunteer and course bookings can be found on our website, along with lots of information regarding life on site.
We're looking forward to seeing you on Boneyard in a few weeks!