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SHARP is recruiting a Digital Trenches Supervisor for Summer 2022

Role Details

Join SHARP as a member of the Supervisory Team for the 2022 summer excavation season. You would be responsible for the delivery of the specific digital trenches dedicated to 2022 archaeological activity (1) and assist with SHARP’s photo donation project (2).

1) Create and upload short video content related to archaeology activity on site (interviews, demonstrations) to the SHARP Digital Trenches virtual learning environment (VLE). Create and manage engaging training resources on the VLE based on uploaded video content (quizzes, participant generated databases and glossaries). Contribute to development of wider Digital Trenches site content (such as team biographies and generation of promotional material).

2) Manage the on-site processes of photograph donation by volunteers (for the excavation years 1996 – 2007). Photographs will include images of archaeological human remains. This will include logging donations, scanning and supervision of volunteers who will assist with the scanning, as well as updating metadata records on SHARP’s Digital Trenches.

Work directly (in person and remotely) with SHARP Digital Trenches Team leads (Dr Sophie Beckett, Lorraine Horsley) and Excavation Director (Dr Ellie Blakelock) and liaise and collaborate with all SHARP Supervisory Team members on-site. Ensure successful coordination between SHARP’s Digital Trenches site and weekly ‘Season Blog Posts’ on the SHARP website. The role also involves responsibility for management of digital media consent forms and processes, in conjunction with SHARP Team.

The placement does not require a background in archaeology. However, if this is the case, there is potential for the role to include the development of an online short course as a new digital trench within the VLE platform (Moodle), on a specific area of interest in archaeology.

A full-time commitment is required for the fieldwork component at the SHARP site in Sedgeford, Norfolk, UK (20th June – 10th August 2022). A part-time homeworking commitment is required for preparation work and training in May and June 2022 (anticipated up to approx. 15 hours per week). During the summer season, the working week runs from Sunday – Friday inclusive, with Supervisors taking a day off within this period, coordinated with the rest of the on-site Team. Additional Supervisor responsibilities include tasks such as leading morning briefing meetings and serving meals. These tasks shared across the Supervisory Team.

Video recording and editing equipment will be provided for the fieldwork component, with access to a dedicated Digital Trenches tablet and accessories and mobile wi-fi. Previous experience in video production and use of Moodle (as a student and/or teacher) is not required. Training will be provided but willingness for additional self-learning is expected.

SHARP does not provide a stipend or cover travel expenses for the placement but will provide campsite facilities (7 days per week) during the fieldwork component as well as meals and non-alcoholic drink refreshments (3 meals per day, dietary requirements accommodated). Local short term let accommodation is available locally but the cost is not covered by SHARP. Sedgeford is a rural location and so use of a vehicle is recommended, but lifts from SHARP Team and volunteers can be arranged.

Application Information

To apply for the placement, submit a CV and a short video to by 25th April 2022. Requirements for the video include; less than 5 minutes duration and a mixture of interview, active and still image footage. Video context is; an informative introductory video about a publicly accessible heritage site of the applicant’s choosing.

Background Information

SHARP (the Sedgeford Historical and Archaeological Research Project, is one of the largest and longest-running independent archaeological training and research projects in Britain (est. 1996). SHARP’s primary objective is the investigation of the entire range of past human settlement and land use in the northwest Norfolk parish of Sedgeford. Archaeological education, development and public involvement are key principles of the project. Between 1996 and 2006, SHARP excavated part of an Early Medieval (Anglo-Saxon) cemetery. The current excavation focus is the settlement and rare malting oven complex, contemporary with the cemetery site. A National Lottery Heritage Fund grant has enabled the initial development of the Digital Trenches site and the running of pilot digital trenches in 2021 ( SHARP is also currently running an investigation into the use of photographs donated by volunteers to help address gaps in official archive records, as part of a National Archives Testbed Fund project.


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