What Do I Need To Bring?
What you require during your stay with us falls into two categories: what you will need to live on site; and what you need to dig or study.
How much or how little you bring with you is entirely up to you but here are some essentials that should be on your list:
For meals - plate, bowl, mug, knife, fork, spoon.
To wear - you will need to protect yourself from cold, wet, sunny and hot weather because that’s what our summers are like! Consider bringing a warm coat/jumper, a waterproof coat, waterproof leggings, cool full-length clothing for covering up, and most importantly a sun hat. Archaeological work takes a toll on your clothing, so don’t worry about going out and replenishing your wardrobe beforehand!
Footwear - Wellington boots are useful for wet days when the track to the toilets can get very muddy.
High factor sun creams - Our excavation area is very open and sun protection is an absolute must.
Insect repellent - Definitely advisable as we are in a river valley.
Excavation Volunteers and those on the BERT course will also need to bring the following:
Footwear - You will need, a pair of heavy boots, preferably with steel toe caps, for working with heavy tools and a pair of thin-soled, light shoes with little or no tread such as light sandals, daps or plimsolls (not trainers) for working on delicate areas.
Water bottle/flask - for drinks on site or when working away from the main excavations.
Trowel - This is the essential tool of the field worker! You should have a high quality ‘WHS’ 4”bricklayers pointing or archaeologist’s trowel. These have the blade and shaft forged rather than riveted together. This is important, as they are stronger and easier to work with. 4” is the maximum length as larger trowels are hard and painful to work with. If you prefer you will be able to buy one from us on arrival.
Field Recording Equipment (If you are unable to obtain these before you come they will be available to purchase on site), including:
3 or 5 metre metal tape measure.
4H or harder pencil.
Leaf trowel
Eraser and pencil sharpener.
Black biro type pen.
Small line level.
Black permanent marker (e.g. Sharpie).
Plumb bob.
Kneepads or kneeling mat (a couple of folded newspapers sealed in a strong plastic bag will do just as well). Much of the ground that we work on is stony.
Gloves – you might want to bring a pair of hardwearing work gloves of your own. We have some pairs but more often than not they are not a good fit – especially for women!
Course Attenders (You will be notified if there should be any equipment needed specifically for individual courses):
A4 folder and paper
For those who are camping, here are some items that you need to pack before leaving for the field:
Small/medium tent – this should only be large enough to house yourself and your belongings as space on the campsite can be tight in busy weeks.
Sleeping bag and additional bed clothes/blankets (it can get very chilly at night!).
Inflatable mattress or sleeping mat.
Warm jumpers and coat.
Electric torch and spare batteries or back-up torch (for coming back from the pub and going to and from the toilets/showers).